John the Ripper jumbo - advanced offline password cracker, which supports hundreds of hash and cipher types, and runs on many operating systems, CPUs, GPUs, and even some FPGAs
翻译 - 这是开膛手约翰(John Ripper)“巨型”版本的官方仓库。 “ bleinging-jumbo”分支基于2019年5月14日发布的1.9.0-Jumbo-1。在“主”分支(CVS:。
Node.js package for HTTP basic and digest access authentication.
Crypt::LE - Let's Encrypt / Buypass / ZeroSSL and other ACME-servers client and library in Perl for obtaining free SSL certificates (inc. generating RSA/ECC keys and CSRs). HTTP/DNS verification is su...
Ghidra analysis plugin to locate cryptographic constants
Legacy OpenSource malware packer for .NET Framework executable files
A new simple and powerfull packer for malware
Upload and stream media from the cloud with or without encryption. Cache all new and recently streamed media locally to access quickly and reduce API calls
Obfuscate your Python scripts better, faster.
A Survival Knife (Fantastic) Force Attacks, Incorporating Teeth Cybertooth && John the Ripper, most Advanced Password and Logon Cracker.
Let's analyze one of the ways to bypass the smart screen and write our own simple cryptor that runs the shellcode
A simple cryptor for .NET/Native files with Injection and obfuscation
DEScrypt CPU Collision Cracker
#算法刷题#a vigenere algorithm encrypt ransomeware created by me :p, for education purpose.
The objective of this class is offer an automatic system of protection for developers's projects and simplify some security operations as the check of CSRF or XSS all in a simple class. Infact you cou...