Nest (NestJS) is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with and fully supports TypeScript (yet still enables developers to code in pure JavaScript) and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming).
Nest provides an out-of-the-box application architecture which allows developers and teams to create highly testable, scalable, loosely coupled, and easily maintainable applications.
#Web框架#用于构建高效且可扩展的服务器端应用程序的渐进式 Node.js 框架,深受 Angular 的启发。
immich 是一个手机照片、视频备份自托管解决方案
ToolJet 是一个使用JavaScript/TypeScript快速构建和部署内部应用工具的低代码框架
refine 是一个基于React的web快速开发框架。使得开发人员减少重复的CRUD操作,提供包括身份认证、访问控制、路由、网络、状态管理和i18n等行业标准解决方案
一个 CRM 系统,是Salesforce的开源替代品
Amplication 是一个Node.js开发者工具,能自动生成代码,减少大量重复性工作,只需编写核心代码
🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome things related to NestJS 😎
翻译 - Nest NestJS精选清单
The commerce platform with customization in its DNA.
翻译 - 适用于现代 Web 的无头 GraphQL 电子商务框架
Open Source Wealth Management Software. Angular + NestJS + Prisma + Nx + TypeScript 🤍
🏠 Home Assistant configuration & Documentation for my Smart House. Write-ups, videos, part lists, and links throughout. Be sure to ⭐ it. Updated FREQUENTLY!
翻译 - :house:我的Smart House的家庭助理配置和文档。全文撰写,视频,零件清单和链接。请确保:star:它。经常更新!
A self-hosted file sharing platform that combines lightness and beauty, perfect for seamless and efficient file sharing.
This strongly-typed, client library enables working with Elasticsearch. It is the official client maintained and supported by Elastic.
翻译 - Elasticsearch.Net和NEST
OpenThread released by Google is an open-source implementation of the Thread networking protocol
翻译 - Google发布的OpenThread是Thread网络协议的开源实现
NestJS boilerplate. Auth, TypeORM, Mongoose, Postgres, MongoDB, Mailing, I18N, Docker.
✅ Beyond the basics of Node.js testing. Including a super-comprehensive best practices list and an example app (March 2025)
翻译 - ✅ 掌握最强大的 Node.js 测试技术的艺术:组件测试。包括超级全面的最佳实践列表和示例应用程序(2021 年 8 月)