A payment application to demonstrate real-world usage of Cypress testing methods, patterns, and workflows.
翻译 - 一个支付应用程序,用于演示赛普拉斯测试方法,模式和工作流程在现实世界中的用法。
✅ Beyond the basics of Node.js testing. Including a super-comprehensive best practices list and an example app (March 2025)
翻译 - ✅ 掌握最强大的 Node.js 测试技术的艺术:组件测试。包括超级全面的最佳实践列表和示例应用程序(2021 年 8 月)
bUnit is a testing library for Blazor components that make tests look, feel, and runs like regular unit tests. bUnit makes it easy to render and control a component under test’s life-cycle, pass param...
翻译 - Blazor组件的测试库。您可以轻松地使用C#或Razor语法定义被测组件,并使用语义HTML差异/比较逻辑来验证结果。您可以轻松地与组件交互并检查它们,触发事件处理程序,提供级联值,注入服务,模拟IJSRuntime并执行快照测试。
Testplane (ex-hermione) browser test runner based on mocha and wdio
REST API Testing Tool for all levels in a Test Pyramid
Stove: The easiest way of writing e2e/component tests for your JVM back-end API with Kotlin
Dead simple library for annotating steps of test case scenarios.
Playwright Angular component testing.
Playwright Web component testing.
Functional Testing for React Native Components
(test-)framework agnostic utilities to test real styling of (virtual) dom elements
Stubbing tool for HTTP calls to allow more comprehensive + deterministic tests
Unlock the complete capabilities of your React applications using Cydekick, the intuitive Cypress test code generator. Seamlessly visualize component hierarchies, interact with your UI effortlessly, a...
React Unit Testing
sample applications with implementation of unit, component, contract and integrarion tests using pact, gatling, spring boot test and hoverfly
This project is based on the book "The Road to React" by Robin Wieruch
Touchstone is a testing framework for your services that focuses on component, end-to-end, and exploratory testing.
React Testing course created for the Italian ReactJSDay 2019 conference
Component testing plugin that integrates Vite with Nightwatch.js. Supports Vue and React components.