vue-element-admin 是一个后台前端解决方案,它基于 vue 和 element-ui实现。它使用了最新的前端技术栈,内置了 i18n 国际化解决方案,动态路由,权限验证,提炼了典型的业务模型,提供了丰富的功能组件,它可以帮助你快速搭建企业级中后台产品原型。
Industry standard API mocking for JavaScript.
翻译 - 用于浏览器和节点的无缝REST / GraphQL API模拟库。
mockito 是一个用于Java单元测试时进行数据模拟的Mock框架
HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js
翻译 - Node.js的HTTP服务器模拟和期望库
Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succin...
翻译 - Mockery是一个简单而灵活的PHP模拟对象框架,可用于与PHPUnit,PHPSpec或任何其他测试框架进行单元测试。其核心目标是提供一个具有简洁API的测试双重框架,该API能够使用人类可读的领域特定语言(DSL)明确定义所有可能的对象操作和交互。
A persistent service that generates mock data quickly and provids visualization view.
翻译 - 一种持久性服务,可快速生成模拟数据并提供可视化视图。
Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source.
翻译 - Mockoon是在本地运行模拟API的最简单,最快的方法。没有远程部署,不需要帐户,是开源的。
Unit and Integration Test generation for Developers. Generate tests and stubs for your application that actually work!
翻译 - No code API testing platform. Create unit tests and data mocks from API calls.
Sql mock driver for golang to test database interactions
翻译 - 用于Golang的SQL模拟驱动程序以测试数据库交互
mocking library for Kotlin
A client-side server to build, test and share your JavaScript app
翻译 - 用于开发,测试和演示JavaScript应用程序的客户端服务器
🔧 Utility library for GraphQL to build, stitch and mock GraphQL schemas in the SDL-first approach
翻译 - :wrench:使用模式语言构建,模拟和缝合GraphQL模式
#IOS#Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!
Mimesis is a robust data generator for Python that can produce a wide range of fake data in multiple languages.
翻译 - Mimesis是适用于Python的软件包,可帮助以多种语言生成大量用于各种目的的假数据。
基于 vite5.x + vue3.x + ant-design-vue4.x + typescript hooks 的基础后台管理系统 RBAC的权限系统, JSON Schema动态表单,动态表格,锁屏界面
orval is able to generate client with appropriate type-signatures (TypeScript) from any valid OpenAPI v3 or Swagger v2 specification, either in yaml or json formats. 🍺
Axios adapter that allows to easily mock requests