HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js
翻译 - Node.js的HTTP服务器模拟和期望库
Service public d'évaluation et de certification des compétences numériques pour tous.
A modern Nock runtime with automatic persistence.
A toolkit for simple functional applications with automatic persistence.
A demo project on how to test a node/express app with Mocha, Nock and proxyquire (MNP) and code coverage with nyc/istanbul.
Template project for Node.js® GraphQL APIs
A bot for managing issue assignments
Node.js Backend boilerplate for rest apis with google oauth authentication
Test Automation University - API Testing with Supertest & Nock
🥼🧬🧪🔬🧫🦠 All about javascript Testing using Different Libraries 2021 [Become Smart Developer] 🥼🧬🧪🔬🧫🦠
Client SDK in javascript for interacting with CKAN including uploading files, adding metadata etc.