✨ Jest matcher for image comparisons. Most commonly used for visual regression testing.
Snapshots language service support for Typescript
Learning JavaScript Test Framework - Jestjs v24.x.x by examples
React Native / React Native Web Boilerplate
An opinionated library to make testing babel plugins easier.
翻译 - 一个自以为是的库,使测试babel插件更加容易。
Record unit tests as you use your application.
A generator of Jest snapshot-based tests for React components written with TypeScript 📸
Low-code E2E testing solution, generating Puppeteer tests with Jest as you navigate through your web app.
How to develop a React web application like Unsplash.com from scratch.
A solid test setup for React components with Jest and Enzyme in a React + Webpack application.
Web Development and API design (Høyskolen Kristiania)
Playing around with Jest - Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/CognitiveSurge
🧪 "What should we test in our React components" - presentation examples.
Remove absolute paths from your Jest snapshots
Additional Jest matchers for snapshot testing.
NextJS with TypeScript and TailwindCSS (with dark theme switch)
Jest Image Snapshot Example with puppeteer and Circle CI