Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
翻译 - 记录测试套件的HTTP交互,并在以后的测试运行期间重播它们,以进行快速,确定性和准确的测试。
A pytest plugin that allows recording network interactions via
Recognition to Cognition Networks (code for the model in "From Recognition to Cognition: Visual Commonsense Reasoning", CVPR 2019)
翻译 - 认知到认知网络(CVPR 2019中“从认知到认知:视觉常识推理”中模型的代码)
OmniFusion — a multimodal model to communicate using text and images
HTTP mock for Golang: record and replay HTTP/HTTPS interactions for offline testing
📼 🚀 Record and playback http requests from your ava tests
Hyperledger Aries Verifiable Credential Registry (VCR) is a set of application level software components designed to accelerate the adoption of trustworthy entity to entity communications.
Official Keploy Go SDK 🔵
Mock server with Proxy and Record support inspired by ruby VCR.
Replay HTTP requests for testing Node.js / Javascript code
API mocks for development and testing
EasyVCR is a .NET library for recording and replaying HTTP interactions, packed with advanced features to customize your testing experience. Based on the great Scotch library.
Mocktail is a tool to cache the response of potentially any Java method call on the disk.