Newman is a command-line collection runner for Postman
翻译 - Newman是Postman的命令行收集运行程序
Insomnia Mockbin is the underlying backend for the API mocks capability of Insomnia. It is built and used by Kong, the author of the open-source Kong Gateway.
Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
翻译 - 记录测试套件的HTTP交互,并在以后的测试运行期间重播它们,以进行快速,确定性和准确的测试。
📝 Production-ready backend template with Fiber Go Web Framework for Create Go App CLI.
REST API test framework. BDD and exploits promises
An API testing tool with support for HTTP/2 and HTTP/3. Alternative to Postman.
基于 Vue 和 Electron 的在线协同api接口管理工具。接口文档管理工具、接口工具、接口文档、api文档、api工具、快乐摸鱼
MeterSphere 录制浏览器请求的插件,记录浏览器中的网络请求并导出为 JMeter 或 JSON 格式的文件
Mockserver is a mock data tools and switch between mock data and real data,【一个用于前后分离时模拟数据的web系统,并可在直实数据与实际数据中自由切换】
Universal game server testing bot; 通用游戏服务器测试机器人
Eolinker API测试增强插件,需要搭配www.eolinker.com网站使用,支持Chrome以及Firefox浏览器,支持自动化测试、文件测试、跨域测试等。
Mockbin by Zuplo. Mock, Test, and View HTTP Requests and Responses
🌿 A simple bash script to test JSON API from terminal in a structured and organized way.
kb-proxy 是一个可本地部署的、提供代理功能、接口测试管理、支持在线Mock、Host环境管理的在线工具平台。
A better tool for testing APIs
接口管理系统(支持JSON导入,引用数据结构,接口测试,测试用例) api management with json import, reference data structure, test, test case
HTTP REST API client for testing APIs based on the ruby’s RSpec framework that binds a complete api automation framework setup within itself