behaviac is a framework of the game AI development, and it also can be used as a rapid game prototype design tool. behaviac supports the behavior tree, finite state machine and hierarchical task netwo...
翻译 - 行为是游戏AI开发的框架,也可以用作快速游戏原型设计工具。行为支持行为树,有限状态机和分层任务网络(BT,FSM,HTN)
LimboAI - Behavior Trees and State Machines for Godot 4
Distributed Java game server, including cluster management server, gateway server, hall server, game logic server, background monitoring server and a running web version of fishing. State machine, beh...
Behavior trees for Unity3D projects. Written with a code driven approach on the builder pattern.
Give a brain to your game's NPCs
Rust implementation of AI behavior trees.
Behavior Trees Library for ROS (Robot Operating System). In C++ and python
Powerful Behavior Tree Editor using GraphView for Unity
C++ behavior tree single header library
A GDScript implementation of a behavior tree for AI, built through Godot nodes.
A lightweight library of Behavior Trees Library in C++.
owl-bt is editor for Behavior trees. It has been inspired by Unreal engine behavior trees in a way, that it supports special node items like decorators and services. This makes trees smaller and much ...
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome tools and libraries for deliberation in ROS 2.
Universal game server testing bot; 通用游戏服务器测试机器人
#学习与技能提升#Reinforcement learning models in ViZDoom environment