Robotics is a branch of engineering and computer science which works to design, build, program. and operate robots. Robots are used in many environments in which human involvement could be dangerous, including bomb defusal, space repairs, and manufacturing processes. Robots typically work either autonomously or with commands sent by human operators.
#前端开发#A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化浏览器自动化测试/数据采集/爬虫软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行爬虫任务。别名:ServiceWrapper面向Web应用的智能化服务封装系统。
Wechaty 是一个支持个人微信号、以及WhatsApp、WeCom、Gitter等的对话机器人SDK。
Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
翻译 - Bullet Physics SDK:用于VR,游戏,视觉效果,机器人技术,机器学习等的实时碰撞检测和多物理场仿真。
#前端开发#Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
#计算机科学#PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
翻译 - 稳定基线的PyTorch版本,增强学习算法的改进实现。
Golang framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
翻译 - 适用于机器人技术,无人机和物联网(IoT)的Golang框架
A build-it-yourself, 6-wheel rover based on the rovers on Mars!
翻译 - 基于火星探测器的自行打造的6轮流浪者!
#计算机科学#Hello AI World guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson.
翻译 - 您好AI World指南,介绍如何使用TensorRT和NVIDIA Jetson部署深度学习推理网络和深度视觉原语。
Visualize streams of multimodal data. Free, fast, easy to use, and simple to integrate. Built in Rust.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
翻译 - 制图师是一个系统,可跨多个平台和传感器配置以2D和3D形式提供实时同时定位和制图(SLAM)。
#自然语言处理#Reading list for research topics in multimodal machine learning
#自然语言处理#A curated list of awesome self-supervised methods