JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework, developed at Bocoup.
翻译 - Bocoup开发的JavaScript Robotics和IoT编程框架。
Matter (formerly Project CHIP) creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standards...
翻译 - IP联网家庭项目是Zigbee联盟中的一个新工作组。该工作组计划以安全性为基本设计原则,开发并促进采用新的连接标准,以提高智能家居产品之间的兼容性。
#计算机科学# A list of ICs and IPs for AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
翻译 - 用于AI,机器学习和深度学习的IC和IP的列表。
Z80 open-source silicon clone. Goal is to become a silicon proven, pin compatible, open-source replacement for classic Z80.