Arduino Library to gets the Manufacture Serial Number from the Atmel AVR, SAM, SAMD, STM32, and ESP Microcontroller.
3 implementations of the FFT for Arduino AVR platforms!
snopf USB password token
Library for OLED-displays runs on AVR
extremly light uart library for AVR 8 bit microcontrollers
Mini OS emulator for Digispark (an Attiny85 based microcontroller).
ATtiny13 Software UART library.
Drivers for Atmega 32
#算法刷题#Flight controller for an autonomous quadcopter drone.
Atmega328p sample codes for USART (transmission and reception) communication with a Linux/Windows PC
TiNo ("Tiny Node") is a small battery operated wireless sensor working in the sub-GHz ISM Band.
I2C Library for the ATmegaXX microcontrollers.
Open source project to control light in the room, garage, street, house.
HID GamePad device based on AVR ATMega8 and V-USB framework
An Object Pascal UART Terminal for USBasp UART firmwares.
C headers for AVR microcontrollers. Arduino must die!
vga output for arduino boards using sinclair zx spectrum video model
🧮 A calculator written in Assembly and simulated in Proteus