USB Rubber Ducky type scripts written for the DigiSpark.
RubberDucky like payloads for DigiSpark Attiny85
翻译 - RubberDucky 喜欢 DigiSpark Attiny85 的有效载荷
Exploitation Framework for ATtiny85 Based HID Attacks
⌨ Digispark™ Rubber Ducky code editor for Windows.
Simplest ultrasonic ANTISPY voice recording jammer based on ATTINY13 / ATTINY85/45/25 / ARDUINO with PAM8403 / TPA3116D2 module driving piezo ultrasonic transducers (and optionally AD8933 signal gene...
Translator from USB-Rubber-Ducky payloads to a Digispark code.
The super tiny USB Rubber Ducky
DuckyScript language to DigiSpark payload converter (Online / C++)
💻 Make for yourself a virtual digital pen and keyboard with Digispark Attiny85
Fork for the firmware / digispark part of the micronucleus repository
Personal implementation of the BadUSB exploit with an Atmel 8-bit AVR ATTiny85 acting as a HID keyboard
Mini OS emulator for Digispark (an Attiny85 based microcontroller).
SoftSerial library modified to use INT0 instead PCINT0 interrupt. It allows digispark uses DigiMouse/DigiKeyboard/DigiJoystick at same time SoftSerial. With this, for example, you can use a Bluetooth ...
Framework for Digiduck Development Boards running ATTiny85 processors and micronucleus bootloader!
DigiSpark sketches for the Arduino IDE.