RubberDucky like payloads for DigiSpark Attiny85
翻译 - RubberDucky 喜欢 DigiSpark Attiny85 的有效载荷
#IOS#Free and libre source BadUSB payloads for Flipper Zero. [Windows, GNU/Linux, iOS]
Payload for teensy like a rubber ducky but the syntax is different. this Human interfaes device ( HID attacks ). Penetration With Teensy . Brutal is a toolkit to quickly create various payload,powers...
#安卓#A simple to use USB HID Rubber Ducky Launch Pad for Android.
Simple Windows and Linux keystroke injection tool that exfiltrates stored WiFi data (SSID and password).
REDD's Encrypted Payload Generator - Generates a BadUSB/DuckyScript payload.txt from prior ps1(PowerShell) AND py(Python) Scripts.
This script allows you to steal some informations from a computer.
💻 Make for yourself a virtual digital pen and keyboard with Digispark Attiny85
This script allows you to inject an invisible keylogger thanks to a Bad USB.
USB Rubber Ducky Script for capture saved wifi passwords
GUI (Graphic user interface) in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, to make easyer and faster to create payload (.txt) for you Flipper Zero's bad-USB function.
This script allows you to disable Windows password in only 4 seconds.
A collection of Payloads for the WHID Cactus
This script allows you to take control of a PC with a reverseShell attack.
#安卓#Android app to run duckyscript
Pico WiFi Duck is a project that enables the emulation of a USB Rubber Ducky over Wi-Fi using the Raspberry Pi Pico W. This functionality allows for remote control and automation of target systems, ma...
Wireshark dissector for several BadUSB devices including Flipper Zero, Rubber Ducky etc. and ducky script reconstructor
This script allows you to create a hidden admin account on your victim's PC.
Various tools for my flipperzero
Teensy 3.2 Projects - Teensy with CMD Command Execution Attack Example 💣