The Official USB Rubber Ducky Payload Repository
翻译 - The Official USB Rubber Ducky Payload Repository
Over 70 advanced BadUSB scripts for the Flipper Zero! By downloading the files, you automatically agree to the license and the terms outlined in the ReadMe. If you have any questions, please don't hes...
USB Rubber Ducky type scripts written for the DigiSpark.
RubberDucky like payloads for DigiSpark Attiny85
翻译 - RubberDucky 喜欢 DigiSpark Attiny85 的有效载荷
Presenting a wide range of more than 100 powerful BadUSB scripts exclusively designed for Mac OS & the Flipper Zero device. As the sole curator and maintainer of this repository. Your utilization of t...
This repo contains my own Ducky/BadUSB scripts, related PowerShell scripts and other Flipper Zero related stuff.
A collection of Ducky scripts to be used in a Hak5 Rubber Ducky or Flipper Zero
Translator from USB-Rubber-Ducky payloads to a Digispark code.
REDD's Encrypted Payload Generator - Generates a BadUSB/DuckyScript payload.txt from prior ps1(PowerShell) AND py(Python) Scripts.
BadUSB Payload Development Launcher - Project to help people develop/test/execute BadUSB (Basic DuckyScript) payloads without having a device. (Using PowerShell)
A collection of Encoded Payloads from the Community both for Hak5 & BadUSB Devices
Awesome modification of the original "Rickroll". Arduino script + Ducky script
Fast & Silent Script For Rubber Ducky To Inject Reverse Shell
A lightweight ducky script generator written in python.
bad usb or rubber ducky payloads for hacking attacks.
This Repo contains of Duckhunter Hid scripts used in kali Nethunter.
All my ducky script for my malduino
THUGS(red) DuckyScript payload collection - One of many sources for duckyscript payloads, one of the top 10 ways to collect OSINT information on a targets computer or even do forensic automation