MD5-Monomorphic Shellcode Packer - all payloads have the same MD5 hash
The Rick Roll programming language is a rickroll based, process oriented, dynamic, strong, esoteric programming language. All of the keywords/statements are from Rick Astley's lyrics. Check our tutori...
A website with the auto-playing song “Never Gonna Give You Up” that can be used to rickroll your friends. Please note that this does not fully support Android.
Chrome extension that blocks Rickrolls!
Rickroll in ASCII on the web. Quick and Simple. Gets the job done.
A simple Chromium browser extension to every so often Rickroll yourself. Every link you click has a 1% chance of being a Rickroll.
A fun package that registers a few routes bots usually search for, and gives them a nice surprise instead.
Awesome modification of the original "Rickroll". Arduino script + Ducky script
rick roll in some programming language. (almost). please send pr's in any language you would like.
RickRollAP creates a bait "Free Wi-Fi" access point that rickrolls users with its captive portal.
IMPORTANT: This is just a rickroll. There is nothing malicious and never will be. Send any legal requests to my email.
A cloudflare worker to use the user-agent for ~~rickrolling~~ without a discord embed
Offline rickrolling for your M5Stack