#安卓#fastlane 是一个 IOS 和 Android 自动化工具,能完成自动构建、发布、生成截图等任务
你唯一需要的 CheatSheet 速查工具
收录了大量领英评估测试题和答案,包括 Git、React、JSON、机器学习等等方面内容,可用来检测你是否掌握了这些方面的知识。
Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
翻译 - 通过命令行轻松,快速地共享文件。
Super simple build framework with fast, repeatable builds and an instantly familiar syntax – like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby.
翻译 - 为容器时代构建自动化
Vue.js Framework - ready-to-use Vue components with Material Design, free forever.
翻译 - Vue.js的材料设计
Bit is a modern Git CLI
翻译 - Bit是现代的Git CLI
An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck; https://rmusser.net/git/admin-2/Infosec_Reference for non-MS Git hosted version.
翻译 - 不会吸的信息安全参考
Uses WiFi signals 📶 and machine learning to predict where you are
翻译 - 使用WiFi信号:signal_strength:和机器学习来预测您的位置
Greenshot for Windows - Report bugs & features go here: https://greenshot.atlassian.net or look for information on:
翻译 - Greenshot for Windows - 报告错误和功能此处:https://greenshot.atlassian.net或查找信息:
Boost Note is a document driven project management tool that maximizes remote DevOps team velocity.
Build OpenAPI-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node
翻译 - 使用TypeScript和Node构建兼容swagger的REST API
Network Analysis Tool
翻译 - 网络分析工具
#计算机科学#a delightful machine learning tool that allows you to train, test, and use models without writing code
翻译 - 一种无需编写代码即可训练,测试和使用模型的机器学习工具
Documentation generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers
翻译 - Google协议缓冲区的文档生成器插件
Send email in Python conveniently for gmail using yagmail
Introducing "URL Making Technology" to the world for the very FIRST TIME. Give a Mask to Phishing URL like a PRO.. A MUST have tool for Phishing.
A semantic diff utility and library for tree-like files such as JSON, JSON5, XML, HTML, YAML, and CSV.
翻译 - 语义差异实用程序和库,适用于树状文件,例如JSON,JSON5,XML,HTML,YAML和CSV。
Web-based Cloud Gaming service for Retro Game
翻译 - 基于Web的复古游戏云游戏服务