#文件分享#croc 是一个命令行文件传输工具,能非常方便安全地在任意两台电脑之间互传文件和文件夹
Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
翻译 - 通过命令行轻松,快速地共享文件。
The Data Transfer Project makes it easy for platforms to build interoperable user data portability features. We are establishing a common framework, including data models and protocols, to enable dire...
翻译 - 数据传输项目使人们可以轻松地在在线服务提供商之间传输数据。我们正在建立一个通用框架,包括数据模型和协议,以使数据能够直接进出参与的在线服务提供商。
A blazingly fast multi-language serialization framework powered by JIT and zero-copy.
Infinitely transfer between every device over pure HTTP with pipes or browsers
翻译 - 通过纯HTTP在每个设备之间无限传输:专为所有人(包括使用Unix管道的用户)以及浏览器用户而设计
#安卓#Android File Transfer for Linux (and macOS!)
Transfer files over WiFi between your computer and your smartphone from the terminal
翻译 - 📡从终端通过WiFi在计算机和智能手机之间传输文件
一个基于vue和element-ui的树形穿梭框及邮件通讯录。A tree shaped shuttle box assembly based on Vue and element-ui. Vuecli3版本见https://github.com/hql7/wl-tree-transfer 示例见->
💳 📦 💰 Laravel 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Package for Paystack
翻译 - :credit_card::package::moneybag:Laravel 5&6 Paystack软件包
automatic color-grading
Arduino library to transfer dynamic, packetized data fast and reliably via Serial, I2C, or SPI
🖥 Securely transfer and send anything between computers with TUI.
#安全#📦 • Send a file p2p and e2e encrypted in your browser using WebRTC.
Movie Ratings Synchronization with Python
Easiest group P2P File & Message transfer in browser with WebRTC 🔥. Cross-platform alternative to Apple's AirDrop, Xender, ShareIT with the same speed over LAN. No installation, just a website :)
#搜索#Your Gateway to the Distributed Web
翻译 - 您通往分布式Web的网关