#计算机科学#基于 so-vits-svc4.0(V1)的一个分支,支持实时推理和图形化推理界面,且兼容其模型。
A beautiful home server OS for self-hosting with an app store. Buy a pre-built Umbrel Home with umbrelOS, or install on a Raspberry Pi or any x86 system.
翻译 - 一个漂亮的个人服务器操作系统,适用于 Raspberry Pi 或任何用于运行自托管应用程序的 Linux 发行版
#区块链#Lightning Network Daemon ⚡️
Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
翻译 - Electrum比特币钱包
A blazingly fast multi-language serialization framework powered by JIT and zero-copy.
Core Lightning — Lightning Network implementation focusing on spec compliance and performance
翻译 - c-lightning-C中的闪电网络实现
#计算机科学#Transform ML models into a native code (Java, C, Python, Go, JavaScript, Visual Basic, C#, R, PowerShell, PHP, Dart, Haskell, Ruby, F#, Rust) with zero dependencies
翻译 - 将ML模型转换为零依赖的本机代码(Java,C,Python,Go,JavaScript,Visual Basic,C#)
#区块链#BOLT: Basis of Lightning Technology (Lightning Network Specifications)
#区块链#A scala implementation of the Lightning Network.
#区块链#A mobile Bitcoin wallet fit for the gods. ⚡️ Est. 563345
Salesforce Extensions for VS Code
#前端开发#Salesforce Lightning Design System for React
OBAndroid is a self-custodial OmniBOLT Lightning wallet for android devices. It provides a platform for simple, instantaneous Bitcoin/Omnilayer asset payments
Native Angular components & directives for Lightning Design System
翻译 - Lightning设计系统的本机Angular组件和指令
#区块链#An easy-to-use cross-platform Lightning wallet
翻译 - 易于使用的跨平台闪电钱包
Wrapper for Lightning Network Daemon. It provides separate accounts for end-users
One-click Bitcoin Lightning networks for local app development & testing