a truly censorship-resistant alternative to Twitter that has a chance of working
nostr.net - awesome-nostr is a collection of projects and resources built on nostr to help developers and users find new things
An archiving tool with an IM-style interface that prioritizes privacy and accessibility, integrated with various archival services including Internet Archive, archive.today, Ghostarchive, IPFS, Telegr...
✨🤝✨ Build instant multiplayer webapps, no server required — Magic WebRTC matchmaking over BitTorrent, Nostr, MQTT, IPFS, Supabase, and Firebase
#区块链#A mobile Bitcoin wallet fit for the gods. ⚡️ Est. 563345
mirror of https://gitlab.com/minds/minds
The Bitcoin Lightning Browser Extension that brings deep Lightning & Nostr integration to the web. Wallet interface to multiple lightning nodes and key signer for Nostr, Liquid and onchain use.
Nostr protocol implementation, high-level client library, Nostr Wallet Connect, bindings and more.
Nostr console is an open-source twitter-like social network, direct chat app and group chat all bundled into one program. Built on the decentralized Nostr protocol.
#安卓#Nostr client on Android