Apache Cassandra is a free, open source, distributed, wide column store, NoSQL database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure.
Created by Apache Software Foundation
发布于 July 2008
Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
翻译 - 适用于Windows,Linux和Mac的跨平台SQL编辑器和数据库管理应用程序。
一个 Go语言开发的数据库迁移工具。可作为命令行工具使用,或导入为golang library。
NoSQL data store using the Seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra and Amazon DynamoDB
翻译 - 使用seastar框架的NoSQL数据存储,与Apache Cassandra兼容
JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database
翻译 - JanusGraph:一个开源的分布式图形数据库
Stream Framework is a Python library, which allows you to build news feed, activity streams and notification systems using Cassandra and/or Redis. The authors of Stream-Framework also provide a cloud ...
翻译 - PipelineAI Kubeflow分布
GoCQL Driver for Apache Cassandra®
翻译 - 软件包gocql为Go编程语言实现了快速,强大的Cassandra客户端。
A high-performance backend cache system. It is intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. Well implemented, it can drops the database load to almost nothi...
翻译 - 高性能后端缓存系统。它旨在通过减轻数据库负载来加速动态Web应用程序。实施得当,它可以使数据库负载几乎降为零,从而为用户提供更快的页面加载时间,更好地利用资源。它简单而强大。
Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
翻译 - 数据库迁移。 CLI和Golang库。
Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
DataStax Connector for Apache Spark to Apache Cassandra
Elassandra = Elasticsearch + Apache Cassandra
Few projects related to Data Engineering including Data Modeling, Infrastructure setup on cloud, Data Warehousing and Data Lake development.
翻译 - 与数据工程相关的项目很少,包括数据建模,云上的基础架构设置,数据仓库和数据湖开发。
50+ DockerHub public images for Docker & Kubernetes - DevOps, CI/CD, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins, TeamCity, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Hadoop, Kafka, ZooKeeper, HBase, Cassandra, So...
#时序数据库#Time Series Benchmark Suite, a tool for comparing and evaluating databases for time series data
#面试#More than 2000+ Data engineer interview questions.
DataStax Node.js Driver for Apache Cassandra
450+ AWS, Hadoop, Cloud, Kafka, Docker, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, Redis, HBase, Solr, Cassandra, ZooKeeper, HDFS, Yarn, Hive, Presto, Drill, Impala, Consul, Spark, Jenkins, Travis CI, Git, MySQL, Linux...
Schema safe, type-safe, reactive Scala driver for Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise