#Awesome#A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.
翻译 - 由社区驱动的有用的Scala库,框架和软件列表。
Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
#安卓#lichess.org mobile application
翻译 - lichess.org移动应用
#前端开发#Reactive data-binding for Scala
Scala library for boilerplate-free, type-safe data transformations
Simple, expressive, and safe UI library for Scala.js
Scala macros for compile-time generation of safe and ultra-fast JSON codecs + circe booster
#游戏引擎#An FP game engine for Scala.
Essential Building Blocks for Scala
#安卓#Build truly native cross platform (web,ios,android) apps using scalajs and react, react-native ,This project moved to new organization : https://github.com/scalajs-react-interface/sri#sri, new chat ro...
Productivity-oriented collection of lightweight fancy stuff for Scala toolchain
Native Docker UI implemented using Scala.js and React - DEPRECATED
The Functional and Reactive Web-Frontend Library for Scala.js
#前端开发#Scala framework for building beautiful and maintainable web applications.
Giter8 template to get started with Play and Scala.js.
Elm-inspired Scala UI library.