ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala
翻译 - ZIO —一种类型安全的可组合库,用于Scala中的异步和并发编程
Rapid development of self-documenting APIs
A next-generation Scala framework for building scalable, correct, and efficient HTTP clients and servers
Productivity-oriented collection of lightweight fancy stuff for Scala toolchain
A lightweight, distinctly Scala take on functional abstractions, with tight ZIO integration
翻译 - 轻巧的Scala具有功能上的抽象,并与ZIO紧密集成
A high-performance, purely-functional library for building, composing, and supervising typed actors based on ZIO
Todo-Backend (https://www.todobackend.com/) implementation using ZIO, http4s, doobie and circe
Purely Functional Transaction Management In Scala With ZIO
A companion IntelliJ IDEA plugin for the ZIO library ecosystem.
Boiler plate framework to use Spark and ZIO together.
ZIO-native utilities for making resilient distributed systems