#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#CTF framework and exploit development library
翻译 - CTF框架和漏洞利用开发库
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#Exploit Development and Reverse Engineering with GDB & LLDB Made Easy
翻译 - 利用GDB轻松进行开发和逆向工程
The best tool for finding one gadget RCE in libc.so.6
翻译 - 在libc.so.6中找到一个小工具RCE的最佳工具
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#Pwnable|Web Security|Cryptography CTF-style challenges
Handouts, setup scripts, sources, and solutions for challenges from Hack The Vote CTFs
Linux kernel module implementation & exploitation (pwn) labs.
Learn Binary Exploitation with sample problems and solutions
Exploiting challenges in Linux and Windows
HITCON electric badge for HITCON CMT 2019.
翻译 - HITCON CMT 2019的HITCON徽章。
📚 VoidHack CTF write-ups
Automated solver of classic CTF pwn challenges, with flexibility in mind.
📚 Yet another CTF writeups repository. PWN and RE tasks
Useful tools for CTF competitions