一个用于在 macOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on macOS
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#Come and join us, we need you!
翻译 - CTF Wiki在线。快来加入我们,我们需要您!
Gives you one-liners that aids in penetration testing operations, privilege escalation and more
A UITableView extension that enables cell insertion from the bottom of a table view.
#安卓#[Official] Android reverse engineering tool focused on dynamic instrumentation automation leveraging Frida. It disassembles dex, analyzes it statically, generates hooks, discovers reflected methods, s...
翻译 - [官方] Android逆向工程专注于动态仪表自动化。由弗里达提供动力。它拆卸DEX,静态分析它,生成挂钩,发现反射方法,存储截获数据,并从中获取新事物。它的目的是成为一体化的Android逆向工程平台。
a reverse TCP tunnel let you access target behind NAT or firewall
Dontbug is a reverse debugger for PHP
#IOS#YourView is a desktop App in MacOS based on Apple SceneKit. You may use it to view iOS App's view hierarchy 3D.
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#Reverse shell generator written in Python 3.
#安卓#Droidefense: Advance Android Malware Analysis Framework