#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#Come and join us, we need you!
翻译 - CTF Wiki在线。快来加入我们,我们需要您!
GEF (GDB Enhanced Features) - a modern experience for GDB with advanced debugging capabilities for exploit devs & reverse engineers on Linux
翻译 - GEF-针对漏洞利用开发者和反向者的GDB增强功能
An automated e-mail OSINT tool
The best tool for finding one gadget RCE in libc.so.6
翻译 - 在libc.so.6中找到一个小工具RCE的最佳工具
CTF challenge (mostly pwn) files, scripts etc
Here record some tips about pwn. Something is obsoleted and won't be updated. Sorry about that.
(⌐■_■) - Raspberry Pi instrumenting Bettercap for Wi-Fi pwning.
How to exploit a double free vulnerability in 2021. Use After Free for Dummies
翻译 - 如何利用 2021 年的双重释放漏洞。 “Use-After-Free for Dummies”
🌸 Interactive shellcoding environment to easily craft shellcodes
🎁A convenient glibc binary and debug file downloader and source code auto builder
A collection of pwn/CTF related utilities for Ghidra
翻译 - Ghidra的与pwn / CTF相关的实用程序的集合
CTF Cheat Sheet + Writeups / Files for some of the Cyber CTFs that I've done
A list of Capture The Flag (CTF) frameworks, libraries, resources and software for started/experienced CTF players 🚩