🌸 Interactive shellcoding environment to easily craft shellcodes
Scriptable desktop app to correct the perspective of images
A Full-Featured HexEditor compatible with Linux/Windows/MacOS
ASM2HEX 是一款功能强大的汇编语言与十六进制机器码相互转换工具。它提供了一个直观的图形界面,让用户可以轻松地在汇编指令和对应的机器码之间进行转换。无论你是处理 ARM64、ARM 还是 Thumb 指令集,ASM2HEX 都能提供准确可靠的转换结果。ASM2HEX is a powerful tool for bidirectional conversion between assembly...
A package that add social auth to Keystone-6 (https://keystonejs.com/) by using next-authjs (https://next-auth.js.org/)
A website where users can build and find their favorite routes for completing in Mythic Plus dungeons in World of Warcraft®
Online Assembler and Disassembler, support offline usage.
Example app of integrating KeystoneJS & Next.js
Python-based interactive assembler/disassembler CLI, powered by Keystone/Capstone.