Spectra used to run this repo, after his departure he gave this repo to me and wiz, we will do our best to honor his years spent here, love you spectra!
翻译 - 我的主要BD回购。在这里您会找到我所有的主题
The home of the McStas (neutrons) and McXtrace (x-rays) Monte-Carlo ray-tracing instrument simulation codes.
Neutron is a CLI developed to help developers create new react projects with Redux + Redux Saga and offers well-structured code standardization.
Geo11 Mod Manager v3 - VR mods for Geo11 to bring flat games to 3D
Creates a plasma source as an openmc.source object from input parameters that describe the plasma
A simple, extensible and efficient programming language based on C and Python
XSPlot - Neutron cross section plotter for isotopes
Combines open source packages to produce an automated fusion specific neutronics workflow
Kubetron is a Kubernetes secondary networks plugin allowing users to connect Pods to multiple networks created on Neutron (or other backend providing Neutron-like API).