Yet another Yogurt - An AUR Helper written in Go
翻译 - 另一个酸奶-用Go编写的AUR助手
A temporary email right from your terminal written in POSIX sh
翻译 - ✉️来自您终端的临时电子邮件
Translation for Trilium Notes. Trilium Notes 中文适配, 体验优化
自建拼音输入法词库,百万常用词汇量,适配 Fcitx5 (Linux / Android) 及 Gboard (Android + Magisk or KernelSU) 。
An AUR-inspired package manager for Ubuntu
Tencent WeChat on Deepin Wine(com.qq.weixin.deepin) For Archlinux
Graphical user interface for managing your Linux applications. Supports AppImage, Debian and Arch packages (including AUR), Flatpak, Snap and native Web applications
A dotfile manager and templater written in rust 🦀
AUR helper with minimal dependencies. Review PKGBUILDs all in once, next build them all without user interaction.
Lightweight AUR Package Manager
[unmaintained] An AUR helper that minimizes user interaction
A powerful Pacman (Package Manager) front end using Qt libs
Stonks is a terminal based stock visualizer and tracker that displays realtime stocks in graph format in a terminal. See how fast your stonks will crash.
翻译 - Stonks是基于终端的股票可视化工具和跟踪器,可在终端中以图形格式显示实时股票。看看您的垃圾会崩溃多快。
A simplicity-focused packaging tool for Debian archives
Build tool for Arch Linux providing control, review and jailed build options
A terminal user interface for searching and installing Arch Linux packages
Tencent TIM on Deepin Wine( For Archlinux