Yet another Yogurt - An AUR Helper written in Go
翻译 - 另一个酸奶-用Go编写的AUR助手
paru 是一个 Rust编写的AUR helper(Arch Linux 用户仓库)
AUR helper with minimal dependencies. Review PKGBUILDs all in once, next build them all without user interaction.
Lightweight AUR Package Manager
[unmaintained] An AUR helper that minimizes user interaction
Ansible module to manage packages from the AUR
A Terminal user interface for maintaining an Arch Linux distribution.
Bash script providing advanced Pacman and Yay/Pikaur/Aurman/Pakku/Trizen/Pacaur/Pamac-cli functionality in a simple UI
Arch Linux AUR Helper with ncurses functionality and better searching and sorting
An Arch Linux AUR helper, aurutils wrapper script that sets up aurutils in an nspawn container.
A tool to manage rebuilding of AUR packages based on their dependencies
An AUR helper written in C. More a proof of concept than a serious project, but it does work.
🐳 📦 Bringing containers to your AUR helper since 2022
Bash Arch User Repository
A contained AUR (ArchLinux User Respository) packages and local repository builder.