Yet another Yogurt - An AUR Helper written in Go
翻译 - 另一个酸奶-用Go编写的AUR助手
Translation for Trilium Notes. Trilium Notes 中文适配, 体验优化
A dotfile manager and templater written in rust 🦀
Lightweight AUR Package Manager
A Compositor for X11 based on Picom. No Longer Maintained in favor of Picom v12!
Transparent proxy through Tor for Arch Linux OS
Arch Linux AUR Helper with ncurses functionality and better searching and sorting
#安卓#Android AUR [Arch Linux user Repository] packages browser
Make it easy to manage your local Arch Linux repository.
Old infra from Chaotic-AUR. Obsolete, being replaced with
An unofficial ProtonVPN Package for Arch Linux
A tool to manage rebuilding of AUR packages based on their dependencies
Bash Arch User Repository
🐳 📦 Bringing containers to your AUR helper since 2022