Yet another Yogurt - An AUR Helper written in Go
翻译 - 另一个酸奶-用Go编写的AUR助手
paru 是一个 Rust编写的AUR helper(Arch Linux 用户仓库)
paul's fish, bash, git, etc config files. good stuff.
A powerful Pacman (Package Manager) front end using Qt libs
Ansible module to manage packages from the AUR
Bash script providing advanced Pacman and Yay/Pikaur/Aurman/Pakku/Trizen/Pacaur/Pamac-cli functionality in a simple UI
An update notifier & applier for Arch Linux with a systray applet that assists you with important pre / post update tasks.
Arch Linux AUR Helper with ncurses functionality and better searching and sorting
The Official Arch Linux Docker image after installing an AUR helper.
Gamification made simple. Integrate gamification into your organisation incl. achievements, goals, levels and leaderboards.
The blazing fast ⚡ Arch Linux ⚡ installation script that puts you on control 🌟
Simple cli utility for using fzf to search for/list/install/remove packages.
This repository contains scripts, configuration files, and Arch Linux installation guide