Control your computer with your Google Home or Amazon Alexa assistant!
🚀 The themeable Nintendo Switch HOME menu Nintendo forgot to make
翻译 - :rocket:定制,开源qlaunch(Nintendo Switch HOME菜单)的替换/重新实现
Run Java 8 applications, libraries, applets, Java Web Start, and Oracle Forms on the web without legacy plugins.
A manager for network connections using bash, rofi, nmcli,qrencode.
🚀 基于 vitejs 驱动的 uniapp 最佳实践集成模板
Using UnoCSS in applet(UniApp / Taro) to be compatible with unsupported syntax. 在小程序中使用UnoCSS,兼容不支持的语法。
#IOS#小友优选,基于 Uniapp + uView UI 开发的社区电商微信小程序。
数据可视化, 数据挖掘, 数据处理 ETL分析
An update notifier & applier for Arch Linux with a systray applet that assists you with important pre / post update tasks.
Launch old versions of minecraft just as you remembered them, only without a browser.
i3 workspace applet for MATE (unsupported, see top of README)
Debian/Ubuntu applet for screenshots and images sharing using popular online services