ERP beyond your fridge - Grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home
翻译 - 冰箱之外的ERP-Grocy是适用于家庭的基于Web的自托管杂货和家庭管理解决方案
✨ A different take on designing a Lovelace UI (Dashboard)
翻译 - 设计Lovelace UI的另一种方式
A privacy-first, open-source home assistant
➕ Docker add-ons for Home Assistant
Easy to use alarm system integration for Home Assistant
The Docker image for Aria2 + AriaNg + File Browser + Rclone
#计算机科学#High performance, cross platform ionic app for Home/Commerical Security Surveillance using ZoneMinder
HA Lovelace card for control of scheduler entities
🚀 The themeable Nintendo Switch HOME menu Nintendo forgot to make
翻译 - :rocket:定制,开源qlaunch(Nintendo Switch HOME菜单)的替换/重新实现
#IOS#Espressif ESP32 Based Smarthome screen for MQTT
翻译 - 适用于MQTT的基于Espressif ESP32的Smarthome屏幕
Node-RED integration with Home Assistant
ERP beyond your fridge - now containerized - this is the docker repo of