The OpenSource Disassembler
翻译 - 开源反汇编程序
#IOS#Espressif ESP32 Based Smarthome screen for MQTT
翻译 - 适用于MQTT的基于Espressif ESP32的Smarthome屏幕
add camera support to MicroPython
A ZX spectrum 48K, 128K and Pentagon 128 emulator running on the Espressif ESP32 SoC
ESP32 firmware that sniffs PROBE REQUEST packets sent from smartphones looking for a Wi-Fi connection in order to extract different types of information
ESP32 library that generates composite video signal for PAL, SECAM and NTSC.
Jumpstart from concept to production
FastLED port to the ESP-IDF 4.0 development environment
LoRa/WiFi remote controller for driving my rover
Embedded controller for the IK Multimedia Tonex One guitar pedal
Run Zig on esp-idf (Xtensa/RISC-V)
The Strøm open source speaker project have been started with the main goal of creating a fully functional "wifi speaker", but as an open sourced product.
Server and software to use an ESP32 as a connected display
Integrates the functionality of a Pentair pool controller into the smart home using ESP32 SoC.
Web Assembly Interpreter for ESP32 family of micro controllers running the ESP-IDF development framework, based on the great work at kanaka/wac
翻译 - 基于kanaka / wac的出色工作的,用于运行ESP-IDF开发框架的ESP32系列微控制器的Web汇编解释器
ESP32 OTA based on ThingsBoard Open-source IoT Platform