3D printed and driveable Curiosity/Perseverance inspired Rover
翻译 - 3D打印的好奇心/毅力启发漫游者
Sawppy the Rover: A Motorized Model of Mars Rover Curiosity and Perseverance for <$500 In Parts
#Awesome#A list of aerospace engineering learning resources 🚀✈️
LoRa/WiFi remote controller for driving my rover
3D printed, low cost transport vehicle controlled over mobile internet and programed in Python
Q-Octo – A compact endurance rover with climbing wheels. This repo contains the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller code.
The software for AGH Space System's planetary rover
Cross-platform Python based software in the loop simulation for object tracking and general quadcopter simulations using custom pure-Python based custom pure PID (and customisable) flight controller
Mission Control SW for https://github.com/jakkra/Mars-Rover
#IOS#iOS SDK for the Rover platform