Gazebo/ROS packages for underwater robotics simulation
The Python Vehicle Simulator is software that supplements the textbook "Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control," 2nd Edition, by T. I. Fossen, published in 2021 by John Wiley & Sons...
#计算机科学#Visually Realistic Underwater Robotics Simulator UNav-Sim
Howto use BeagleBone Blue with ArduPilot
Stonefish - an advanced C++ simulation library designed for (but not limited to) marine robotics.
Software for guidance, navigation and control for the Vortex AUVs. Purpose built for competing in AUV/ROV competitions.
Packages for simulating the Tethys-class Long-Range AUV (LRAUV) from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI).
Monorepo of the Machine Intelligence Lab at the University of Florida
Lyapunov based controller design for trajectory tracking of an under-actuated autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV)
Geospatial database visualization software for oceanographic measurement data
The software packages which power The OSU Underwater Robotics Team's AUV.
This project implements an advanced control system using a Neural Network-Fuzzy Logic-based Self-tuned PID Controller to optimize the performance and stability of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV...
#计算机科学#This repository showcases a hybrid control system combining Reinforcement Learning (Q-Learning) and Neural-Fuzzy Systems to dynamically tune a PID controller for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)...