A toolkit for makers to ship better products faster 🚀
Mk48.io ship combat game
The Python Vehicle Simulator is software that supplements the textbook "Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control," 2nd Edition, by T. I. Fossen, published in 2021 by John Wiley & Sons...
#计算机科学#Detecting ships from the satellite images using the YOLO algorithm
FHIR-PYrate is a package that provides a high-level API to query FHIR Servers for bundles of resources and return the structured information as pandas DataFrames. It can also be used to filter resourc...
SIMROUTE: Weather Ship Routing (WSR) Code. The software is constructed considering available Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) wave predictions systems of free use.
WIP & naenae: CLI utilities to easily manage Work In Progress with Git
Simple Kubernetes raw manifests deployment tool
A Fun project built using the App Router: The Best Hosting Platform
A CLI application which allows you to archive Urbit channels and all linked content in them.
The prototype of the real ship physics in Unity based on the voxel system.
VIDEGROs Ships is an Android application which allows you to receive AIS information directly from ships in your neighbourhood using a cheap DVB-T-DAB-FM / RTL-SDR receiver.
#大语言模型#Build and deploy AI Agents, fast.