Free, easy, portable audio engine for games
翻译 - 免费,简单,便携式的游戏音频引擎
#新手入门#Real-time voice-changer for voice-chat, etc. Will support many different voice-filters and features in the future. 🎵
A Tiny JavaScript Sound FX System
.NET DSP library with a lot of audio processing functions
Community plugins for SuperCollider
Algorithms for sound filters, like reverb, dynamic range compression, lowpass, highpass, notch, etc
Encode an image to sound and view it as a spectrogram - turn your images into music
Make xenharmonic music and create synthesizer tuning files for microtonal scales.
Manage and share Windows sound schemes, restoring missing sounds on recent Windows versions
The goal of simpleTones.js is to provide every JavaScript developer with a lightweight solution for creating custom sounds in their web applications. This documentation has been written in hopes that ...
A realtime scripted modular audio engine for video games and musical applications.
Papae - AudioManager is a free unity library for audio
Qt port of SFXR, a sound effect generator, to generate retro-gaming like sound effects.
This is a Chrome extension to play sound effects whenever you leave a reaction on GitHub.
A real-time netlist based audio circuit plugin
Vintage Pacman Game developed in Flutter