Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM
翻译 - Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM
Model-rocketry aerodynamics and trajectory simulation software
Movement trajectory classes and functions built on top of GeoPandas
Fast map matching, an open source framework in C++
翻译 - 快速地图匹配,C ++中的开源框架
Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot - Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based on ROS
Next generation High-Power Rocketry 6-DOF Trajectory Simulation
Aggressive trajectory tracking using mavros for PX4 enabled vehicles
Project demonstrating in Unity how to fire a projectile at a target by either specifying its initial velocity or initial angle. Also draws out the projectile's expected trajectory.
A toolbox for processing and analysing air traffic data
#计算机科学#An open-source 3D-printed quadrupedal robot. Intuitive gait generation through 12-DOF Bezier Curves. Full 6-axis body pose manipulation. Custom 3DOF Leg Inverse Kinematics Model accounting for offsets...
Official github page of UCF SST CitySim Dataset
The Python Toolbox for Robotics
#计算机科学#Deep Learning for Vision-based Prediction
Open source framework for ocean trajectory modelling
An Open-source Strong Baseline for SE(3) Planning in Autonomous Drone Racing
Transform Frenet (s,d) to local Cartesian (x,y) coordinates.
Official implementation for the paper "Model-based Diffusion for Trajectory Optimization". Model-based diffusion (MBD) is a novel diffusion-based trajectory optimization framework that employs a dynam...
A python package for simulating movement and spatial cell types (e.g. place cells, grid cells) in continuous environments.
Quadcopter Simulation and Control. Dynamics generated with PyDy.
An Ethical Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles