Fast map matching, an open source framework in C++
翻译 - 快速地图匹配,C ++中的开源框架
Fast shortest path calculations for Rust
Easy-to-build realistic roads in Unity. Foundation of any simcity game.
Interface to OpenStreetMap (load maps, extract road connectivity, plot road network & find shortest path)
#计算机科学#The source of the IJCAI2017 paper "Modeling Trajectory with Recurrent Neural Networks"
HiRoNEx: Historical road network extractor: A python tool for automatic, fully unsupervised extraction of historical road networks from historical maps.
QuadTree Model for generating random road network
翻译 - 生成随机道路网络的QuadTree模型
Summary of Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning Models.
Source code for Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Similarity Learning in Road Networks. KDD 2022.
OSM XML file to road graph converter
Road Network Enhanced Trajectory Recovery with Spatial-Temporal Transformer (ICDE'23)
A python script to demonstrate the usage of the "alpha model" for procedural generation of large-scale road networks
[CVPR 2023] Repository for the UrbanLaneGraph Dataset & Benchmark and the LaneGNN approach
#计算机科学#Graph Reasoned Multi-Scale Road Segmentation in Remote Sensing Imagery
Convert Shapefile to the Network and find number of shortest paths
SARN: Spatial Structure-Aware Road Network Embedding via Graph Contrastive Learning - EDBT 2023