A GPS bicycle speedometer that supports offline maps and track recording
翻译 - 支持离线地图和轨迹记录的GPS自行车车速表
An open source bike computer based on Raspberry Pi Zero (W, WH, 2W) with GPS and ANT+. Including offline map and navigation.
#数据仓库#A curated list of awesome projects around the bicycle 🚲
Supports the various URDF and GAZEBO mobile robot model
Calculates the geometry, masses, centers of mass, and the moments of inertia of the bicycle rider system.
The Safer Streets Priority Finder enables you to analyze the risk to bicyclists and pedestrians on your community’s roads.
Source for my 2012 UCD dissertation "Human Control of a Bicycle"
Bike computer based on arduino and Hall Sensor
Autonomous bicycle algorithms
🚲️ Your guide to Sydney’s cycle network — See safe routes to ride in Sydney including separated cycleways, shared paths, cycleways under construction, planned cycleways and more.
JQStickersView: 仿摩拜单车我的贴纸,摩拜单车贴纸弹跳效果, 自定义摩拜单车贴纸效果, iOS开发者交流群: 446310206
Fetch data about bicycle counters from the Eco Counter API.