#计算机科学#Implementation of PFLD A Practical Facial Landmark Detector , reference to https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.10859.pdf
Create, manipulate and convert representations of position and orientation in 2D or 3D using Python
Quadcopter Simulation and Control. Dynamics generated with PyDy.
Create, manipulate and convert representations of position and orientation in 2D or 3D using Python
Julia implementations for different rotation parameterizations
A quaternion based sensor fusion algorithm that fuses accelerometers and gyroscopes and optionally magnetometers
Visualization of IMU orientation from quaternion or Euler angles with a rotating cube
A toolbox to represent 3D rotations of coordinate frames for Julia language.
Safe and fast mathematical operations with static arrays in the Rust programming language
Embedded Kalman Filter algorithm developed in C for ARM Cortex STM32F407
A Unity utility for simply converting between different coordinate frames.
C++ 2d/3d/4d Vector, 2x2/3x3/4x4 Matrix, Complex Number, Quaternion, and 3d Transformation Classes / Functions (Header Only libraries)
Conventions for 3DEM software packages
PyJama is a friendly python library for analyzing human kinematics data. Aimed at analyzing data from IMU's, MIMU's, data from optical devices and in the future tracking data from deeplearning models.
:red_square: The module that allows observing orientations through a 3D object from Euler angles or quaternion transmitted with WebSocket via wi-fi or serial port.
A demo showing the pose of the lsm6ds3 6DoF IMU sensor in 3D using esp-idf
A demo showing the pose of the bmi160 6DoF IMU sensor in 3D using esp-idf
Spatial transformation library for CasADi Python.