Firecracker 是一种开源虚拟化技术,专为创建和管理安全、多租户容器和基于函数服务而设计,这些服务提供serverless操作模型。
Tools to set up a quick macOS VM in QEMU, accelerated by KVM.
翻译 - 由KVM加速的用于在QEMU中设置快速macOS VM的工具。
#Awesome#😎 Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters and Runtimes
翻译 - :sunglasses:精选的有关编译器,解释器和运行时资源的列表
Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
翻译 - 多遍编排虚拟Ubuntu实例
Wasm3 是一个快速的WebAssembly 解释器和最通用的WASM 运行时
Fast, light, simple Docker containers & Linux machines
Kata Containers is an open source project and community working to build a standard implementation of lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs) that feel and perform like containers, but provide the workload...
翻译 - Kata Containers版本2.x存储库。 Kata Containers是一个开源项目和社区,致力于建立轻量级虚拟机(VM)的标准实现,这些虚拟机的感觉和性能类似于容器,但提供了工作负载隔离和VM的安全优势。
Virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon, VirtualBuddy is a virtual machine GUI for macOS M1, M2, M3
Project moved to:
#安卓#Android virtual machine and deobfuscator
翻译 - 通用Android反混淆器
Gravity Programming Language
翻译 - 重力编程语言
An alternative BEAM implementation, designed for WebAssembly
翻译 - 专为WebAssembly设计的BEAM替代实现
Pafish is a testing tool that uses different techniques to detect virtual machines and malware analysis environments in the same way that malware families do
翻译 - Pafish是一种演示工具,它采用了与恶意软件家族相同的多种技术来检测沙箱和分析环境。
Eclipse OpenJ9: A Java Virtual Machine for OpenJDK that's optimized for small footprint, fast start-up, and high throughput. Builds on Eclipse OMR ( and combines with ...
翻译 - Eclipse OpenJ9:一种针对OpenJDK的Java虚拟机,针对占地面积小,启动速度快和高吞吐量进行了优化。建立在Eclipse OMR(上,并与OpenJDK Extensions for OpenJ9 repo相结合。
TinyVM is a small, fast, lightweight virtual machine written in pure ANSI C.
翻译 - TinyVM是使用纯ANSI C编写的小型,快速,轻量级虚拟机。
Monorepo for the Ethereum VM TypeScript Implementation
Instructions and script to help you create a VirtualBox VM running macOS.