#安卓#Android virtual machine and deobfuscator
翻译 - 通用Android反混淆器
JavaScript Deobfuscator and Unpacker
Deobfuscate obfuscator.io, unminify and unpack bundled javascript
Lists of .NET Deobfuscator and Unpacker (Open Source)
An open source (GPLv3) deobfuscator and unpacker for Eziriz .NET Reactor
javascript-obfuscator cleaner & deobfuscator
toolkit for python reverse engineering
Extract and Deobfuscate XLM macros (a.k.a Excel 4.0 Macros)
📦 de4dot deobfuscator with full support for vanilla ConfuserEx
#安卓#A pattern based Dalvik deobfuscator which uses limited execution to improve semantic analysis
This is a fork of cuchaz's Enigma, a deobfuscation/remapping tool for Java software.
Deobfuscator for Android Application
VMUnprotect.Dumper can dynamically untamper VMProtected Assembly.
Minecraft Decompiler. A useful tool/library to deobfuscate and decompile Minecraft(or any jar file) through popular mappings and various decompilers. Or use it as a lib to process obfuscation mappings...