#安卓#Android virtual machine and deobfuscator
翻译 - 通用Android反混淆器
Triton is a dynamic binary analysis library. Build your own program analysis tools, automate your reverse engineering, perform software verification or just emulate code.
翻译 - Triton是动态二进制分析(DBA)框架。它提供了内部组件,例如动态符号执行(DSE)引擎,动态污点引擎,x86,x86-64和AArch64指令集体系结构(ISA)的AST表示,SMT简化传递,SMT求解器界面以及最后一个尤其重要的是Python绑定。
FLARE Obfuscated String Solver - Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware.
JavaScript Deobfuscator and Unpacker
Virtual-machine Translation Intermediate Language
翻译 - 虚拟机翻译中间语言
Deobfuscate obfuscator.io, unminify and unpack bundled javascript
Playing with the VMProtect software protection. Automatic deobfuscation of pure functions using symbolic execution and LLVM.
翻译 - 使用 VMProtect 软件保护。使用符号执行和 LLVM 对纯函数进行自动反混淆。
IDA Pro plugin with a rich set of features: decryption, deobfuscation, patching, lib code recognition and various pseudocode transformations
Playing with the Tigress software protection. Break some of its protections and solve their reverse engineering challenges. Automatic deobfuscation using symbolic execution, taint analysis and LLVM.
An easy-to-use, high-performance dex deobfuscation library.
Deobfuscation via optimization with usage of LLVM IR and parsing assembly.
#安卓#A pattern based Dalvik deobfuscator which uses limited execution to improve semantic analysis
Sandbox for semi-automatic Javascript malware analysis, deobfuscation and payload extraction. Written for Node.js
A deobfuscator for scripts obfuscated by Obfuscator.io
Deobfuscator for Android Application