Performant type-checking for python.
翻译 - python的性能类型检查。
#PHP 代码质量检查工具#A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications
翻译 - 用于在PHP应用程序中查找错误的静态分析工具
Triton is a dynamic binary analysis library. Build your own program analysis tools, automate your reverse engineering, perform software verification or just emulate code.
翻译 - Triton是动态二进制分析(DBA)框架。它提供了内部组件,例如动态符号执行(DSE)引擎,动态污点引擎,x86,x86-64和AArch64指令集体系结构(ISA)的AST表示,SMT简化传递,SMT求解器界面以及最后一个尤其重要的是Python绑定。
The SpotBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications and Android applications. (Also work with Kotlin, Groovy and Scala projects)
翻译 - SpotBugs插件,用于Java Web应用程序和Android应用程序的安全审核。 (还与Kotlin,Groovy和Scala项目一起工作)
A Static Analysis Tool for Detecting Security Vulnerabilities in Python Web Applications
Binary code static analyser, with IDA integration. Performs value and taint analysis, type reconstruction, use-after-free and double-free detection
An easy-to-learn/use static analysis framework for Java
Angora is a mutation-based fuzzer. The main goal of Angora is to increase branch coverage by solving path constraints without symbolic execution.
翻译 - 安哥拉是一个基于突变的模糊器。 Angora的主要目标是通过解决路径约束而无需符号执行来增加分支覆盖范围。
Playing with the Tigress software protection. Break some of its protections and solve their reverse engineering challenges. Automatic deobfuscation using symbolic execution, taint analysis and LLVM.
DECAF (short for Dynamic Executable Code Analysis Framework) is a binary analysis platform based on QEMU. This is also the home of the DroidScope dynamic Android malware analysis platform. DroidScope...
An LLVM-based instrumentation tool for universal taint tracking, dataflow analysis, and tracing.
Python source code auditing and static analysis on a large scale
A declarative static analysis tool for jvm bytecode based Datalog like CodeQL
A taint-tracking plugin for the Valgrind memory checking tool
libdft for Intel Pin 3.x and 64 bit platform. (Dynamic taint tracking, taint analysis)
Corax for Java: A general static analysis framework for java code checking.
Teaching and Learning Software Analysis via SVF
A structure-aware grey box fuzzer based on modeling the input processing logic.