Triton is a dynamic binary analysis library. Build your own program analysis tools, automate your reverse engineering, perform software verification or just emulate code.
翻译 - Triton是动态二进制分析(DBA)框架。它提供了内部组件,例如动态符号执行(DSE)引擎,动态污点引擎,x86,x86-64和AArch64指令集体系结构(ISA)的AST表示,SMT简化传递,SMT求解器界面以及最后一个尤其重要的是Python绑定。
Library for lifting machine code to LLVM bitcode
LLVM based static binary analysis framework
Standalone static version of Triton's x86/x64 translator
.NET Tool for parsing and utilizing x86 semantics defined in K. It currently features a WIP symbolic expression generator for VTIL.
The Triton - Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) framework - by JonathanSalwan binding for Delphi
Final Project of the Computer Architecture (ICOM4215) course, Spring 2023. The project documents the journey of three students learning the basics of the vast world of FPGAs and hardware design in gen...
Artifact Evaluation, PLDI'19