The LLVM compiler infrastructure project is a set of compiler and toolchain technologies, which can be used to develop a front end for any programming language and a back end for any instruction set architecture.
Codon 是一款高性能 Python 编译器,可将 Python 代码编译为本机机器代码,而无需任何运行时开销
Project moved to:
C++ Insights - See your source code with the eyes of a compiler
#大语言模型#One-stop system for shared use of AI within teams and organizationswith | 在团队和组织内共享使用人工智能的一站式系统
Checked C is an extension to C that lets programmers write C code with bounds checking and improved type-safety. The goal is to let people easily make their existing C code type-safe and eliminate ent...
翻译 - Checked C是对C的扩展,它添加了检查以检测或防止常见的编程错误(例如缓冲区溢出和越界内存访问)的检查。此仓库有一个用于Checked C,示例代码,规范和测试代码的Wiki。
A collection of out-of-tree LLVM passes for teaching and learning
翻译 - LLVM通过的集合(带有测试和构建脚本)
#计算机科学#High-performance runtime for data analytics applications
翻译 - 数据分析应用程序的高性能运行时
Framework for lifting x86, amd64, aarch64, sparc32, and sparc64 program binaries to LLVM bitcode
翻译 - 用于将x86,amd64和aarch64程序二进制文件提升为LLVM位代码的框架