Lisp 是现今第二悠久而仍广泛使用的高级编程语言。Lisp 最初是为计算机程序创建的实用数学表示法。 Lisp 开创了计算机科学领域的许多理念,包括树结构、自动存储器管理、条件表达式、动态类型和自托管编译器。
#编辑器#Nyxt - the hacker's browser.
翻译 - 下一个浏览器-高效。
mal - Make a Lisp
翻译 - mal-做一个Lisp
Cool open source projects. Choose your project and get involved in Open Source development now.
翻译 - 用С,C ++,Clojure,Lisp,Elixir,Erlang,Elm,Golang,Haskell,JavaScript,Lua,OCaml,Python,R,Ruby,Rust,Scala等编写的大量酷炫的开源项目列表。
🐼 Chinese translations for classic software development resources
A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
A dynamic language and bytecode vm
翻译 - 动态语言和字节码vm
Reviving the language that brought us the Jak & Daxter Series
A curated list of awesome Common Lisp frameworks, libraries and other shiny stuff.
GNU Emacs / N Λ N O - Emacs made simple
翻译 - GNU Emacs / NΛN O-Emacs变得简单
Minor mode for Emacs that deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it.
The Lux Programming Language
CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
Generative art in Common Lisp
翻译 - Common Lisp 中的生成艺术
An embedded scheme interpreter in Rust